Discipleship Volunteers

Discipleship is the heart of the Next Step ministry efforts. Housing and job search, as ministries of Next Step, are offered so that the men can focus on their relationship with Jesus rather than being distracted by the need for employment and a place to live.

Several opportunities exist for those who want to volunteer to disciple one or more of the men in Next Step.

  Accountability Partners
An accountability partner is a man who meets about once a week with a Next Step participant simply to share life experiences. As a Next Step participant shares his life experiences, you can be an encouragement to the man, you can add a Biblical perspective to those experiences, and you can challenge the man to grow and be changed through these experiences. It is truly an opportunity to be used by God in the sanctification of one of His disciples.

  Bible Study Leaders
Next Step has a well-established routine of meeting with all the men once a week for Bible study. We also have a less formal structure of smaller group, or even one-on-one, studies. The opportunity exists for volunteers to participate in these studies.

  Worship Attendants
Would you like to be a part of a small group worship service at Next Step? We conduct such a service twice per month. You don’t have to be a musician; you simply have to love the Lord and want to share that love with the men at Next Step. You can lead the service, or simply be another participant. You can share your testimony or share a meaningful Bible passage. We are very flexible in how worship is conducted, as long as our Lord is the focus and points men to Him.