
Volunteer support for the work of the Lord at Next Step Ministries is essential! The following is a list of some of the areas where volunteer assistance is needed; please click on an item to get more details.
If you are interested in supporting Next Step with your time and talents in any of these roles, simply call us at 505-717-7941 or write “Volunteer Application” in the subject line on the contact form, and we’ll send the application to you. If you have any questions or are interest in serving in a role not listed, please call and we will gladly discuss a way that you might be able to serve God’s Kingdom at Next Step Ministries.

Volunteer Opportunities Include:

Group Activities



General & Administrative


As you consider volunteering with Next Step, we suggest you consider the following:

What type of interactions do you prefer with the men served at Next Step? Some of the volunteer opportunities require extensive interactions, while others require essentially no interactions; either type should be very rewarding!

How often would you like to serve? Some of our opportunities are routine and may be weekly, monthly, or less frequent, while other opportunities are “as needed” or one-time.